Appartment for Rent in Rubavu-Gisenyi Rwanda with spacious, Furnished house available for rent
MH 4. Appartment for Rent in Rubavu-Gisenyi Rwanda with spacious,…
3345+6H7, KN 70 St, Kigali
For Rent
ER: 014 remera
Remera very nice and well furnished apartments for rent at the lowest price in Kigali Rwanda
Bedrooms 2
Bathroom 2
Toilets 2
Sitting room 1
Dining room 1
Modern kitchen
Water tank
Amahoro stadium view
It’s on tarmac road
Price : $700 on 2 bedrooms
For more information
MH 4. Appartment for Rent in Rubavu-Gisenyi Rwanda with spacious,…
SM 6 Gacuriro Very nice and well unfurnished house with…